AOTrauma Courses in Croatia, Zagreb, November 7-10, 2013.
We are informing you that the AOTrauma Courses in Croatia will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, between 7-10 of November, 2013. in hotel Aristos. The official Courses language is English. This year, we will have three different Courses:
- 1. AOTrauma Course : Advances in Operative Fracture Management for Surgeons
- 2. AOTrauma Course: Lower Extremity for Surgeons
For the Operating Room personnel:
3. AOTrauma Course : Advances in Operative Fracture Management for ORP
We kindly ask all that are interested to register as early as possible due to the workshop limited number of places! The registration e-mail address is : [email protected]
The course fees are the following:
Advances Course for ORP 300 euro
Course dinner 35 euro
Please find enclosed the Preliminary Program details together with the Application form!
With Kind regards,
AOTrauma Chapter Croatia